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祝贺Lucca Yao获得2013/2014年度瑞藤最佳员工奖!
恭喜Lucca Yao获得公司2013/2014年度最佳员工称号。Lucca自从瑞藤开业以来一直热心服务家长、学生和老师,认真敬业,工作刻苦,获得大家的一致好评和喜爱!以下是公司给Lucca获奖信件的部分内容:

You have been a full-time employee at IVY since August 2013, the time we begun to launch our service to the market. Throughout the year you have demonstrated yourself one of the best contributors for this very young business. You care for teachers, students and their parents with respect and sense of urgency and are a great asset to this business.

You are well known throughout our customers and teachers for your hardworking spirit, passion and energy. You are always courteous and helpful to others. You are highly appreciated by our teachers and students/parents because of the way you treat others.

You are efficient and thorough in your work and finish the job in a timely manner. The combination of your high performance standards and experience enable you to bean excellent mentor to other employees.

You represent our business well as your strives for excellence in customer care and problem solving. We are very pleased to have you in this young team and we are looking forward to work together with you to build another excellent year! "

Lucca Yao简介

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